Sunday, January 6, 2013

300 miles...

In early August (before Hawaii) Clint and I went to the Heber Rodeo with my cousins Jennifer and Larra--I forgot to post about it before Hawaii, so here you have it.  It's become a tradition--I think this was our third time.  (And the first time we went, it was my first ever rodeo.)  It's a nice tradition to see family every year--unfortunately we didn't get a pic with the four of us.

 In later August, I ran the Rivalry Relay as an Ultra team with Ron and Tina.  It was a total blast.  We did it as an ultra team, so we ended up running around 20 miles total apiece.  During the race we kept going back and forth with a team in bright green T-shirts (Progression Green Machine) but sadly they beat us in the end.  I was the last leg, and gave it my all--but it just didn't happen. However, we finished first out of all the ultra teams by almost an hour and got sweet jackets as our prize. :)  I was highly enthused.  We also got 13th overall out of 76 teams (and 7th out of the mixed gender teams.)  It was a nice positive racing experience which was good because my past few half marathons have been a bust.  I really enjoyed the course, and the race was well organized.

It was also good because I had a goal this summer to make the 300 mile club (which I think I mentioned earlier).  The extra 20 miles from this race was a help because I got a bit behind my running in Hawaii.  And yes, I did make the club.  Huzzah!  I should take a picture of the excellent T-shirt prize...

Anyway, later in September I went on a nice run on the Millcreek Pipeline Trail for the first time ever. (For the newbies out there turn east onto 3800 S from Wasatch Blvd.)  I have to say, the trails are rather poorly marked.  I started at Rattlesnake Gulch (which was very steep) and connected to the Pipeline trail.  However, I unknowingly headed left at the first intersection and tried to keep pushing past the end of the trail because I knew the pipeline trail was supposed to be long.  So after the brambles overcame me, I headed back and realized that the pipeline trail extends the other way.  Go figure. So I cruised along that way for a while.  Next time I think there are better ways to access the Pipeline which I will try.  Rattlesnake Gulch is just too steep! Anyway, here are some pics.

1 comment:

  1. That run is so pretty! I need to try to find more trails here.
