Saturday, August 10, 2013

Morristown and Medieval Times

Our next adventure was to Morristown Historical Park. We started at Jockey Hollow where the Continental Army stayed the "hard winter" of December 1779 – May 1780.   The army unfortunately had to stay in tents in the snow (most with inadequate clothing/shoes) until they could build their cabins. Before we saw the little cabins, we stopped at the Wick house where an employee in historical dress gave us information. We also walked around the little colonial garden. I am pictured below with Larkspur, but we became fascinated by the herb Lemon Balm.

As we walked up a woodsy path to see the cabins more closely, we discovered the forest was infested with cicadas. Elena wasn't so sure about holding them.  I do have to say, their little feet were rather prickly.

Afterwards we drove into Morristown proper and visited the Ford house where George Washington stayed the winter.

Later that night we headed to Medieval Times.  I attempted to take some pictures of the kids but they were over-excited and uncooperative since there were swords and princess hats to be had.  We enjoyed the jousting show and eating medieval food with our hands.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you have updated your blog! I love all of the pictures. It looks like it was such a fun trip.
