Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sweat, Blood, and Brains

Folks, I have been remiss in my blogging duties. This is too bad because I suspect that I'm going to get a lot worse (school starts tomorrow). Well, without further ado, I bring to you the Great Urban Race!

The Great Urban Race is this awesome scavenger hunt race that I did downtown. You must race as a team, so I called up my old running buddy Mike. We did YMCA with strangers, pumped up a bike tire, drank carrot juice, did lunges, peeled potatoes and did a lot of other stuff around downtown.

There was a lot of sweat because the race started at NOON. Hence the camelbaks in the picture. Don't be jealous of my hardcore hat and fanny pack. Mike was.

There was blood because I got a bad papercut in Ken Sanders bookstore completing a challenge.

There was brains because we had enough brains and speed to garner 9th place!

Other August happenings thus far include going to girls camp

hiking Ensign Peak for the first time

hiking to Cecret Lake with the miamaids

and other fun. I feel surprisingly chill considering school starts tomorrow. I suppose the real test is whether I can get to sleep tonight!


  1. The last time I saw you, you mentioned the adventure race. It looks like fun. Congrats on 9th place. Would you recommend it? Can you believe school starts tomorrow. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I'm excited, can you tell?

  2. That sounds like a great way to spend the last few days of summer, Stace! I love the photos from the adventure race - it sounds like so much fun.
