Saturday, October 19, 2013

Fall Happenings

This September we hiked to Timpanogos Cave with another couple in our ward.  Clint had never been to Timp Cave, and I decided that needed to be remedied. So with no further ado, here is the "Heart of Timpanogos."

Then the next weekend we continued the tradition we started last year and did our fall leaves drive over Guardsman's Pass into Midway.  I think we went a tad early this year and could have waited for more color, but we were over eager because last year we went too late.  This year it was September 21st--though I suppose the best date varies from year to year depending on the weather. We didn't get any leaves shots, but we did see three moose in the woods.

Then in early October I hiked Dry Creek with the Wine Hiking group that I am a part of.  No, I don't drink wine--no worries.  I am the token Mormon in the group.  It's just a good chance to hang out with my friend Lauren and some other cool women, as well as get ideas of hikes to go on.

Once we got to the top we sat in a little clearing and had our feast: cheese, crackers, bread, pumpkin cookies, apple slices, sweet potato chips, and toffee almonds. It was delectable.

I had so much fun, I forced Clint do to the same hike with me yesterday evening. :)

1 comment:

  1. I can't stop posting on your blog today but all of your pictures have been amazing. I love the shots you took on your hikes and can't believe you saw three moose! I love fall photos!
