Sunday, March 3, 2013


For whatever reason, people fairly frequently tell me that I look like someone else.  Last week at church, someone told me that I look like Mindy Gledhill, who is apparently an LDS indie singer.  I don't really think I look like her, but I certainly didn't mind being told I look like someone stylish and beautiful.  (I was having a bad face/hair/life day, if you must know.)  Anyway, here is one of her music videos. I think it's cute.

Well, this got me thinking, so I present to you (drum roll, please) my history of dopplegangers.

#1 Tiffany

When I was maybe 11 my cousin told me that I looked like Tiffany.  I see no resemblance.

#2 Cameron Diaz smile

Someone I dated told me I had a Cameron Diaz smile.  I was flattered by this (not so much by the Tiffany comparison) but still not sure about the resemblance.  I suppose we both have wide toothy smiles.

#3 Michelle Pfeiffer

This one came from someone from my sememster abroad group, "the pahty."  Again, flattered, but unsure.  We do both have strong jaws.

#4 Imogen Poots

This one also came from someone in the Pahty.  I kind of think that I look the most like her.  I mean, I can see of a lot of differences, but I just feel like we have a similar vibe.

#5 Kristen Bell

A student of mine last year was convinced (along with her mother) that I looked EXACTLY like Kristen Bell. I don't really think so.

#6  A student

A student of mine this year told me that I looked just like another one of my students, and that we could be sisters.  I guess I should be flattered to look like the sister of someone in high school.  Though lets be honest, my mom has a sibling 16 years older than she is, so really the comment arguably had nothing to do with youthfulness.  But, I did have some students confess to me at parent teacher conferences that last year during book club (before I was their teacher) they couldn't really decide if I was a teacher or a student.  I wasn't sure whether to be flattered that they thought I looked that young, or concerned that I dress so unprofessionally that I look like a student.


  1. I agree with you on the Imogen Poots part. You have the same body type and facial structure of her. The Mindy singer person has similar eyes to you. When I first saw the picture of her, I thought she could be your sister. If it makes you feel better, everyone in Taiwan thought I looked like Hagrid in Harry Potter.

  2. Hagrid?! He's a man! That's mean. I guess in Taiwan all tall people are all the same to them. I did learn from my sister that people are pretty blunt there. If you want a laugh on my part, the parent of the students who formerly thought I was a student said I had good skin. I was skeptical, and then she said, "Oh, well I didn't see the zits on the other side of your face!" Hah! (Maybe that's why her daughters thought I was 17....)
