Thursday, March 10, 2011

First Crocus

I saw a little yellow crocus on an "adventure" run today with the team. It's the first crocus of spring! Huzzah! I didn't get a picture (since I don't manage a jogging photography club) but I will attempt to use a photo from

Yesterday we did time trials. I ran the 800 and the 1600 by myself while the team was resting. I forgot that when you haven't done any speedwork in a long time your arms tingle when attempting it. I also forgot that you cough. I mentioned this at my book club last night and one of the ladies told me that when you get old you cough like that just from going up the stairs!

I suppose I should make dinner now. I am making this:

My changes are that I used less peanut butter (half a cup) and I added some sweet chili sauce. Also I shaved some raw carrot on top. Yummy! You can find the recipe on my friend Sara's blog.

1 comment:

  1. That looks delicious, I want some! And I saw the first daffodils of spring on my run about a week ago here and it made me so happy! Your race must be coming up fast now, when is it again?!
