Friday, October 18, 2013

July 4th, Nicole's Shower, Janelle's Wedding

So I have been grossly remiss in my blogging.  This usually happens when the school year starts, but I'm even behind on the summer's activities.  So here goes a harried series of recaps since it's fall break and I am procrastinating grading.

Over 4th of July weekend Clint and I went to Idaho Falls to enjoy the traditional parade, breakfast on the Boulevard, and fireworks.  Clint's brother Greg was also getting married this weekend, so I was invited to attend his finance (now wife's) bridal shower.  It was a tea party in a historic house and all were asked to bring cookbooks as gifts.  It was fun and unique shower--the proprietor dressed us all up in hats and explained some of the traditions of tea parties (and weddings).

I sadly did not take any photos at Greg and Nicole's wedding because I assumed the photographer would cover it, not really thinking that I wouldn't end up with any photos myself.  Anyway, the ceremony was nice and the bride was beautiful.  I then rushed off to another wedding happening in Rigby at the same time--my friend Janelle's wedding (from the pahty).

It was fun to see these ladies in person after being in touch only long distance for so long.  If only we could have had a full pahty reunion! This was also a lovely wedding with a beautiful bride.   I loved the whimsical touch of the bride and groom llamas! Also I was a bit jealous of Janelle's pond.  Ok a lot jealous.  Clint will probably use this as a tool in his "we should move to the country" argument.  Oh well.