Wednesday, January 4, 2012


So remember how last year's Cayonlands sucked?  Well, in order to prevent this year from becoming a suck fest as well, I decided to review my running log.  I was inspired by Runner's World, and good thing too.  I realized a few things.  1) My consistency is not very good.  I don't think I made a single week of running six times, and I only ran five times in a week once. Granted, I did get sick during training last year, but I didn't run at all one week! 2) My mileage was actually pretty low. I really think I need to amp that up.  My highest mileage week was just over 16 miles.

I am trying to do my best to train smarter this year.  The goal is to run a minimum of four days a week with the plan to usually do five or six days.  Additionally, I would like to throw in a couple of twenty mile weeks, at least. I'm still contemplating other aspects of my training--should I emphasize easy recovery days and hard pace/speed runs?  Or should I just "show up" every day?  Should I introduce more variety and strength training to my workouts? I'm not sure yet, but I do know that I can't get bogged down like last year.

In an effort to train more consistently, I must become impervious to excuses.  Check out this interesting video on excuses, which I found at Best Body Fitness as recommended by Peanut Butter Fingers.

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